Monday, July 8, 2013

esophageal cancer symptoms-What is esophageal cancer?

esophageal cancer symptoms Shaped structure along the tube that connects your mouth and stomach is known that the esophagus can be affected by cancer and is also called cancer of the esophagus.esophageal cancer symptoms In adults, the esophagus ten inches long and are usually a hollow structure. Esophageal cancer can also be known as cancer of the esophagus esophageal cancer symptoms . Esophageal cancer is usually diagnosed only after the disease has developed so that it becomes difficult to esophageal cancer symptoms treat patients who are suffering. Treatment options are very limited when the disease has progressed.esophageal cancer symptoms Therefore it is very important to note the symptoms and signs of the disease and treatment as soon as possible.The disease can be commonly observed in heavy smokers, alcoholics, men and women, and especially more than sixty years. esophageal cancer symptoms The treatment of the above conditions may depend on the location of the problem, the problem size and the stage of a patient's problems.Generally, they are classified as adenocarcinoma and squamous cell esophageal cancer symptoms. Adenocarcinoma usually occur near or in the stomach and esophagus Union Federation called GE or gastroesophageal junction disease sqaumous cell can be seen everywhere in the tube in the esophagusesophageal cancer symptoms .Involuntary and sudden loss of weight is the most obvious symptom of the disease. A person can lose weight without trying to lose weight should immediately contact your doctor to know the cause.Difficulty or pain when swallowing food can also be a symptom of cancer of the esophagus. The throat may feel that you are depressed and can cause irritation. Normally, this symptom, as well as diseases associated with influenza disappears after a timeesophageal cancer symptoms, but if it is a symptom of cancer of the esophagus can not be lost.When cancer of the esophagus, the voice becomes hoarse and the patient feels better after frequent clearing of the throat. Although hoarseness in the throat can be a symptom of other diseases, it is best to be explored.Patients with this disease may also persistent cough. Heartburn is also common. Heartburn is just burning or pain in the back of the sternum.Sometimes patients also feel that food gets stuck in your chest or throat.esophageal cancer symptoms In some countries, it narrows the esophagus, to deepen the food in the stomach is greatly reduced and therefore feels like food gets stuck on the supply line.Difficulty swallowing food and hiccups are also symptoms of the disease. When both occur at the same time, we can be confident that it could be due to esophageal canceresophageal cancer symptoms.

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